Friday 19 December 2014

What do you mean by Application of Integrals? ( Problem 1)

Understand Application of Integrals with the help of numerical. click on the link to Watch the VIDEO explanation: Watch Video 

Application of Integrals - Problem 1 
The Problem 
Find the area enclosed between the parabolas y square is equal to 4ax and x square is equal to 4ay. 
The Solution: 
Points of intersection of the curves can be obtained by solving the equations. 
y square is equal to 4ax and x square is equal to 4ay 
Therefore, x is equal to 0 and x is equal to 4a. 
Area enclosed between the given curves 
A is equal to integral zero to 4a F1 of x minus F2 of x dx. 
Therefore, the area is equal to 16a square by 3 square units.

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